Monday, February 1, 2010

Recognizing Propoganda in the World

It's a funny feeling when you start to realize that propoganda is all around us. can easily stretch the definition of propoganda, but when you really break it down, it's all around us. I can't watch tv without even thinking about propoganda, especially when it comes to comercials. What really comes to mind is the ongoing battle between Verizon & AT & T. I am constantly viewing the same map of the United States with all the little dots showing the "best" service areas. Both companies use the same image, and I swear they are just switching the colors on the map to make them seem more credible. In a recent AT & T commercial Luke Wilson (celebrity) was talking about Verizon having a slower 3G network. He said that verizon takes a longer time to download, while AT &T is faster and more efficient.

When you watch the video, you can really tell it's propoganda through the images. When Luke Wilson downloads himself through AT & is much faster than verizon. The verizon download of Wilson displays him without a head...symbolizing that Verizon is weak, "slow," and is unable to provide essential needs for the customer. At the end of the commercial, the advertisement checks off AT & T as the better provider, and tells its customers that AT & T is a "Better 3G Experience."

Here is another AT &T commercial with Luke Wilson that I thought some may enjoy:

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